Bringing Learning to Life continues beyond the event on April 6th.

For 49 days between the second day of Passover and Shavout, it is a mitzvah to count the days and use this as a time for personal inner growth through reflection and development. This period of time is an opportunity to personally prepare yourself for the day when we receive the Torah (Shavout).

The counting teaches us mindfulness and it links Passover, when we as a people became physically free and Shavout, when we became spirtually free. 

We invite you to join with us to Count the Omer, starting on April 15th. We will post details on the weekly Omer theme and then we will invite you to take time to reflect on the theme and how it relates to your own life, your work, your leadership in the community. This Omer will be about communal growth. Between now and April 15th we invite you to share ideas on how to make this the most useful and engaging opportunity for everyone. Share your comments below. 

The seven emotional attributes (“themes”) are:

  1. Chesed, “kindness”
  2. Gevurah, “strength” or “empowerment”
  3. Tiferet, “beauty”
  4. Netzach, “infinity”
  5. Hod, “gratitude”
  6. Yesod, “foundation”
  7. The final attribute is malchut, “kingship”

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