Posted by JF&CS Journey to Safety

created at: 2013-10-04Today’s blog post in recognition of Domestic Violence Awareness Month is excerpts from a poem written by someone who received services from JF&CS Journey to Safety and is a survivor of domestic abuse. It is an expression of gratitude for the support the Journey to Safety Advocate provided her as she transitioned to a new life away from her abusive ex-husband. A domestic abuse advocate is often described by survivors as a” lifeline” during their journey to safety.  The tangible parts of our work such as court accompaniment, housing advocacy, and accessing resources are measurable. What this client captures in her poem is the essence of Journey to Safety’s values: that it is a privilege to journey with each person who turns to us – to offer warmth, non-judgmental support, unending encouragement, kindness, and patience.

A Lifeline for a Safe Journey

A woman of power lives by her wit
The spirit that lies within is always lit.
Power from within is her strength to behold
Come failure or hardship she will never fold.
Her passion she follows and reaches for a dream
Definitely a person you want on your team.
She finds peace from within and the odds she defies
She bears it all when she laughs, when she cries.
She leads and inspires and gives those who need hope
When you are drowning this woman will throw you a rope.
A woman of power as a friend is a treasure
Having you as a friend, is an honor and a pleasure.

Watch our video to learn why domestic abuse is a serious issue.

Read more from our Domestic Violence Awareness Month blog series.

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