created at: 2010-10-25This year, for the first time ever (and not again for nearly 78,000 years), the first day of Chanukkah falls on Thanksgiving, a once-in-a-lifetime event that has been dubbed “Thanksgivukkah.” The overlap in holidays is quite appropriate and meaningful as both holidays celebrate the pursuit of religious freedom. This year, as we celebrate with traditional foods, many people are taking the opportunity to combine traditional Thanksgiving fare with that of Chanukkah, coming up with creative recipes such as sweet potato latkes, sufganiot with traditional pie fillings, and, of course, the deep fried turkey.

Whether you choose to combine or separate the holidays at your table, it is worth remembering that for many families putting any sort of festive meal on the table is a struggle. This year as Thanksgiving and Chanukkah fall together, you can help another family celebrate this unique holiday.

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