How do you make the High Holidays inclusive to people of all abilities? We’ve put together some inclusion resources for families and synagogues to insure the sweetest New Year possible: 

The United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism provides a special Information for the High Holidays guide with guidance on how synagogues can be more inclusive. The guide includes special training guidelines for ushers on the High Holidays to make the temple more accessible, helpful tools for using words that show kavod, and quotes from Jewish sources that promote inclusion to be used in services.

Jewish Learning Venture wrote 5 Synagogue Inclusion How-Tos For The Holidays for the Jewish Week, speaking from their experience as community educators. Their tips help to identify who in a congregation might need support, and how to reach out to members of the community to show that you can accommodate their needs.    

Gateways: Access to Jewish Education has put together a fun and informative collection of High Holidays resources, illustrating blessings for students that are easy to follow along for all students, social stories for students with anxiety that lay out the process of attending services in advance, and activities and crafts that allow learners to connect with the message of the High Holidays.

Holiday tips or questions? Email

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