The teacher that inspired me the most was the one who inspired herself by what she did and the things she taught.  I learned many things in school, I did the tests, and I did well. I still cant remember if she taught history, or math. I just remember her inspiration, her passion, and her charisma.

Alot of people can be Inspiring naturally, as long as they love what they are doing. I learn so much more then just the basics from people like that, thats why I decided to help those inspiring people and reavel them so other people can meet them, hear their stories and learn from them. Leelach was created for that purpose, is a website that inspires people through art. Its not only about the art, its much more then that, much deeper. Tells Israeli womens Unique story, their personal story, the one that you have to hear, the one that you will remember much more then their handmade art. tries to help these amazing women get their stories out into the world along with their beautiful art in order to give a new perspective on family, on love, on Israel and of course handmade Israeli art.

I was inspired, and I know you will be too! – Handmade Art By Israeli Women



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