National Director of Friends of the Arava Institute Brandwen Cale, presented Jewish National Fund (JNF) New England Board President and Nixon Peabody partner Larry Cohen with an award on behalf of JNF, the Arava Institute and Hazon for being the top American fundraiser for the Arava Institute-Hazon Israel Ride 2012.

The Arava Institute for Environmental Studies, a JNF partner, is a world-class teaching and research center that offers a unique approach to studying the environmental challenges of the Middle East. The school’s Jordanian, Palestinian, and Israeli students explore a range of environmental issues from a trans-boundary and interdisciplinary perspective while learning peace-building and leadership skills.

For the past eight years, JNF has proudly sponsored the Israel Ride, a unique experience that fuses an athletic journey with environmental awareness and regional cooperation. Riders are given the opportunity to engage with nature as they learn about the historical and geographical significance of the regions they ride through.  Riders commit to raise at least $3,600 in personal sponsorships and the 2012 ride raised over $275,000.

created at: 2013-02-25

Pictured L-R: Brandwen Cale and Larry Cohen

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