Thanks to the rich history, the looks of Jewish men are quite diverse. In one way they are very similar, though – they are all very charismatic. Here are ten incredibly talented and charming men with Jewish blood in their veins.
Harrison Ford
Harrison Ford's grandmother Anna Lifschutz came from the Jewish family who lived in the Russian Empire then. In 1907, the Lifschutz family left Minsk and started their lives in Brooklyn. In 1917 Anna got married and had a daughter, the mother of the future actor.
Adrien Brody
Adrien Brody was born in 1973 in New York in the Jewish family. He gained massive popularity after playing a Jewish musician in Roman Polanski's "The Pianist".
Woody Allen
American filmmaker and actor was born and raised in New York in the Jewish family. Future director was named Allan Steward Konigsberg. Allan's grandmother and grandfather were emigrants whose native languages were Yiddish and German.
Joseph Gordon-Levitt
American actor and film director was born in 1981 in Los Angeles. His father worked at a radio station and his mother was an editor there. His family is Jewish, but not very religious.
James Franco
James Edward Franco was born in 1978 in California. His mother, a poetess and writer, Betsey Verne met his father Doug Franco at the Stanford University. Her parents were Jewish emigrants from Russia and that makes James Jewish, as well.
Adam Sandler
Adam Sandler is an American comic, actor, musician and filmmaker of Jewish origin. "I am Jewish and have always been proud of my heritage. No, I'm not just proud, I admire it."
David Duchovny
David Duchovny is a well-known American actor, screenwriter, producer and director. His mother Margaret is an emigrant from Scotland; she was a school teacher. His father, Amram Duchovny, comes from a Jewish family; he is a writer, publicist and playwright. David often mentions his heritage and seems very proud of it.
Sylvester Stallone
You all know this great American actor, screenwriter and director. His father, Frank Stallone, is an emigrant from Sicilia. His mom, Jacqueline Labofish, comes from a family of Jewish emigrants from Ukraine. That makes charismatic Sylvester half Jewish.
Sean Penn
Sean Penn is a famous American actor and film director. He was born in 1960 in Santa Monica in a family of a film director Leo Penn and an actress Eileen Ryan. His father's parents were Jewish emigrants from Lithuania and Russia who came to the US at the beginning of 1900.
Steven Spielberg
Steven Spielberg is one of the most successful American moviemakers in the whole history. He was born in Cincinnati in the Jewish family of Arnold Spielberg and Lea Adler. His parental grandparents emigrated from Ukraine and settled down in America for good.
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