There’s no bride’s side or groom’s side. You show up, and you’re in the right place.
Shots of booze before signing the legal stuff–because who wants to deal with legalese sober?
We start the whole thing by singing “I feel pretty, oh so pretty, and witty and gaaaaay!” Just kidding. No we don’t. But that would be kind of funny.
It’s not a problem if you break a glass. That’s supposed to happen.
We even get to break TWO glasses!
Glitter. Lots and lots of glitter.
Flamboyantly gay men make everything more fun.
Barbra Streisand is coming. Okay, no she’s not.
There will be an accordion.
The chair dance is more fun than a waltz any day.
It is extremely difficult to be dressed “wrong.”
Lag B Blog day 20–ONLY TWO WEEKS LEFT!
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