Reading is one of the first skills that parents must teach to their kids, even before they start school. It is sort of a responsibility of the parents to instill this skill to their kids at an early stage, because reading is a skill that will help them get better education, career, and opportunities- in other words a better future. This is how important reading skill is.
But as you might already know, it is taxing to teach kids how to read better, especially when their attention span is not as long as you want it to be. In the end, you'll just lose patience and give up.
However, there are various ways that effectively teach your kids how to read well without making the whole process a torture for both of you. Here are some fun activities that you might want to try:
Have Books Around Your House
Books are often used by kids as a canvas to showcase their doodling and drawing skills that is why parents are weary of placing books within the reach of their children. However, making books accessible to your kids, encourage them to improve their reading ability. Have a place in your house exclusive for reading books and let them read whatever they want. Add a few fiction and none fiction books to widen their interest. Check out few best selling Jewish books like: Rifka Takes a Bow, When Life Gives You OJ and The Little Red Hen and the Passover Matzah.
Let Them Choose the Reading Materials to Buy
Have a trip to the bookstores, and let them pick the books, magazines, or comics they like. They will be pushed to read the title, and the summary of each book so it is a great way to practice their reading skills. A variety of reading material also improves their reading skill. They will also learn decision making, and become more practical in choosing the type of book to read.
Read To Your Child
Make reading a nightly routine. Before tucking your kid to bed, read a story for them. Pick an exciting, and interesting story that will grab their attention. If you make this a habit, it will be adapted by the kids, and they won't feel sleepy without reading a book first.
Play Games With Alphabets and Words
Clay dough, flashcards, rhyming game- these are just some of the tools that you can use to play word games with your kids. They will easily remember the words because they'll be competitive and work hard to beat you. Of course, you should give them rewards to encourage them. Likewise, do not always make them win, in order to push them to learn without discouraging them. Plus, games are fun and every kid loves anything fun!
Download Mobile Applications
Smartphones and tablets are great tools for you to use in teaching reading skills. There are so many engrossing games that also teach kids the alphabet, word definition, and even pronunciation. The graphics, design, and interface of each game should be colorful to make your children the play it often. However, you have to take note that tablets can damage the kids eyesight, so don't let your kids play for too long.
Avoid Baby Talks
Baby talks does not only prevent your kids from speaking properly, you are also derailing their ability to improve their reading skills. Baby talk will also confuse your children, hence they will have problem with literacy.Talk normally, and they'll eventually pick everything up.
Have a Trip to the Library
Are the books in your house not enough Then, grab your children to the nearest library and look for books to read. Normally kids, aren't allowed in libraries, but there are places that reserve room for kids. Instilling the importance of reading and books to your kids at an early stage helps them appreciate the skill better.
Cook Healthy Food
Nutritious food helps develop the cognitive ability of your kids, making their memory better. It can help them maintain their focus when studying in school, or with you, hence they can learn faster. Cooking can also be a great learning activity for both of you. Why not let your kids help cook during special occasions like Hanukkah? They will learn a lot of things from that activity.
Reading is supposed to be a great way for parents and kids to bond. Don't miss the opportunity to have fun with them while teaching them that high literacy skill paves way to a better future and successful life.
About the Writer:
Ethan Harvell is a writer, blogger and a digitial marketing officer for resumesplanet, while also taking his graduate degree in marketing. He dreams of writing his own book one day.
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