We are grateful to the hundreds of you who participated in israel360 programming in the past year and whose ideas for future topics and speakers have pushed us to think more creatively about our programming. Together in 5776, we hosted a Member of Knesset, delved into the legacy of Yitzhak Rabin, learned about the rock music scene in Sderot, and walked the Israel Trail from afar.
As those who came by our table at the Young Adult Open House or were able to attend our Start Up Nation – Live! event last week already know, we are embarking on a new adventure this year. To complement our convo-salons and town halls, we will launch Israel in Depth, a weekly educational series, this spring. Similar in style and feel to Eser or Kevah, Israel in Depth will meet every Tuesday night over a six-week time period. While we are still developing the curriculum and choosing the specific session topics and the facilitator teams, we expect the course will take a deeper dive into many of the subjects we’ve touched upon at israel360 so far: Israeli history, culture, society, religion.
israel360 began as a way to change the way conversations about Israel happen in our community. We’ve worked hard to ensure that coming to israel360 means having a civil conversation about Israel, one in which you have the opportunity to have your voice heard and also to learn from your peers who may hold different views. As we expand our programming this coming year by launching Israel in Depth and adding online events to our in-person offerings, we will strive to keep our commitment to israel360 being an open, inclusive, and pluralistic forum.
We believe there is a way to have honest and civil conversations about Israel (and have fun at the same time!), and we invite you to join us throughout the year. Our next event, “All Eyes on US” Israel and the Presidential Election” will be held on Tuesday, November 1st, and you can click here for more information and to register.
As we embark on a new year of programming, we’re also building a brand new israel360 website and mobile app that will be a fantastic addition to our in-person events. Stay tuned for more details on the November/December launch. In the meantime, we’re still online at www.israel360.org , on Facebook, Twitter, and JewishBoston.
Wishing you all the best in 5777,
Matt Bonney-Cohen and Erica Sandrock
Israel360 Co-Chairs
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