I want to take a moment to share with you the incredible impact that Ma’yan Tikvah and Y’ladim BaTeva have had on my son and our family. 

As a parent of a child with ADHD, I have often witnessed the challenges he faces in traditional learning environments. However, our journey with Ma’yan Tikvah has been something he has loved participating in, looked forward to, and thrived in. I am deeply grateful for the unique approach they offer.

The way the program integrates Jewish teachings with the power of nature is truly remarkable. My son would not have been able to start any typical Hebrew school in time to prepare for a bar mitzvah. His challenges with ADHD caused classrooms to be a chore, and the last thing we wanted to do was put him in more school. I truly believe that Ma’yan Tikvah gave us the path to him being able to have a bar mitzvah at all. My son told me he could not believe how many of his friends had to sit in classrooms for Hebrew school. He truly felt so grateful that he was able to complete his learning outside, no matter what the weather. He loved it all. He feels such a great appreciation for this journey. Your program provided a supportive and nonjudgmental space for him to prepare for his bar mitzvah.

The unique outdoor setting of Ma’yan Tikvah has allowed my son to engage with Jewish teachings in a way that is perfectly aligned with his learning style. Nature has become his classroom, where he absorbs concepts in a tangible and immersive manner. I have witnessed his personal growth and seen his confidence flourish as he explores and learns in an environment that caters to his strengths. 

I am writing this as a heartfelt expression of my gratitude and as a strong endorsement of the impactful work that Ma’yan Tikvah is doing. The organization’s philosophy and dedication have left an indelible mark on my son’s journey toward adulthood. Thank you, Ma’yan Tikvah, for providing a haven of learning, growth and connection for children with ADHD. Your approach is a testament to the fact that with understanding, innovation and a touch of nature’s magic, every child’s potential can be nurtured and celebrated.

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