This week’s “trouble”some news…and it’s only Wednesday.
- Taylor Swift and Harry Styles from One Direction broke up. She should have known he was trouble when he walked in. Can’t wait to hear a new song about it on her next album; maybe she’ll blame Drew Brees for the breakup.
- The Ayalon Freeway in Tel Aviv is underwater. This is the equivalent of the Route 93 tunnel downtown being flooded. How can anyone get anywhere? And there’s snow in Jerusalem.
- Mash-up the voice of Adam Levine, a melody that sounds like Jamiroquai, and a little faux-string action a la “Call me Maybe” and you have this week’s song of the week: Troublemaker by Olly Murs and Flo Rida. Of course Flo Rida is a contributor. I guess Pitbull wasn’t available.
- Omri Casspi’s playing time for the Cleveland Cavaliers has shrunk considerably and rumors are he’s asked for a trade. The Celtics are underperforming— we could use another big guy, no?
- Jihadis are moving into Syrian Army border positions on the Golan Heights. Now that the Egyptian border has been fortified, Bibi is making the Syrian border his next priority.
- And if there’s such thing as good trouble, Israel passed a first-of-its-kind legislation banning super-skinny models from being used in photo shoots or on runways. While pegging an 18.5 BMI as the key determinant of too-skinniness may seem arbitrary, it’s a progressive and bold step. Kol HaKavod.
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