Posted by Kathy Burnes
I was recently at a party talking with a friend who is about to celebrate her 50th birthday. We were sharing our perspectives on the experience of growing older. Inevitably we got to talking about the kind of living situation we want for ourselves in our “later years.”
It’s a familiar topic of conversation. What do we do when the day-to-day activities and responsibilities we can handle now become more challenging? I shared with her a new initiative I am working on at JF&CS that offers insight into what’s possible.
We are about to launch Aging Well at Roxbury Tenants of Harvard (RTH), a partnership between JF&CS and RTH. RTH provides affordable housing, social and education services, workforce development, and community activism for more than 2,000 residents living in the Mission Hill community of Boston. Aging Well at RTH was developed with and for more than 600 older residents. Its goal is to provide services that make everyday life easier, safer, and more satisfying.
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