Michelle Wheeler participated in Parenting Through a Jewish Lens at Temple Beth Shalom in Needham where the overwhelming interest lead to two full classes. If you missed the fall sign up there are two spring classes to take advantage of in Newton and Sharon.
To say that walking into the Parenting Through a Jewish Lens classroom was overwhelming is an understatement. I have not taken a class in years and I had no idea what to expect. I chose to register for the program out of a desire to bring more Jewish traditions into my home and to further the learning experience that my two young children are having at their JCC preschool. Taking Parenting Through a Jewish Lens was the best decision I have made in a long time.
Right away, our instructor, Sabrina Burger, made us feel comfortable and helped us get to know one another. Our class was so friendly and inviting. Each week we explored a different topic and were encouraged to share our opinions – rich conversations ensued. Sabrina was very open to questions and if she didn’t know the answer, she would look into the topic and bring the information and additional resources to the next class.
One ritual I brought home from the class is the reciting of the Shema with my children at bedtime. It is a new part of our routine and we use the colorful card – beautifully illustrated and in Hebrew, English and transliteration that we parents received the first day of class.
I wish this program had a part two that I could attend before my children reach their teenage years (Parenting Your Teen Through a Jewish Lens looks like another wonderful offering.) I highly recommend taking this class for the camaraderie, the conversations, and the guidance. 
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Image created by Michael Horen

created at: 2013-01-14

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