We believe a Jewish education is important. It has provided our children with a fundamental history of their people and with an understanding for living a meaningful Jewish life.
We also strongly believe that a top quality secular education is very important. At Gann, you get it all.
Our daughters, Alison ’09 and Lauren ’12, are Gann graduates. In addition to offering a challenging secular and Judaic education, the school provided an opportunity to explore and develop their passions for dance, singing, and theater in a supportive, healthy, confidence-building environment. They had great relationships with their teachers, who took the time to get to know them as learners and as individuals in experiences that extended beyond the classroom. They felt part of a community, and they thrived there.
Pluralism was a plus. Ali and Lauren had classmates and friends from across the spectrum of religious observance, which both expanded their understanding of the role Judaism plays in the lives of others and strengthened their own beliefs. They were exposed to the importance of repairing the world through a variety of experiences in the United States and abroad. And they were given a deep understanding of the importance of the State of Israel, which served to reinforce and foster the strong connection formed during their years at Solomon Schechter Day School.
A school’s leadership is critical to its success and reputation. In our opinion, Rabbi Marc Baker is an outstanding head of school. He is a nationally recognized educator with exemplary credentials. And he is beloved by the students, the faculty and the board of trustees. His energy, creativity, ethics, and vision set the tone for Gann Academy.
Gann was the right choice for both of our daughters. It’s a remarkable place.
Written by Ron Gluck, Gann Academy Trustee (2006–2013), and Elizabeth Brody Gluck. Proud Parents of Alison Gluck, Class of 2009 and Lauren Gluck, Class of 2012.
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