JFS of Metrowest is proud to announce being featured in Babson Magazine’s recent article, “In Service of Others: The Power of the Community Action Program.”
For several years now, students from Babson’s Community Action Program (CAP) have been mentors in JFS’s extended-day Pathways to Academic Growth, Empowerment and Success (PAGES) programming at the Woodrow Wilson Elementary School in Framingham.
JFS is proud to partner with Babson College and with its committed and thoughtful students. We invite you to read and share this article, as it celebrates our students and our community’s dedication to educational equity for all!
Formerly Reducing Achievement Gaps (RAG), this unique, multi-tiered program addresses the academic, social and basic assistance needs of low-income children of immigrant families in Framingham. JFS strives to ensure that immigrants and their families, including vulnerable children, have measurable improvement in economic stability, academic and career achievement and integration into their communities.
Interventions in elementary school are an important way to promote future academic and life achievement and build social equity. PAGES is a successful, evidence-based model and is led by JFS of Metrowest in collaboration with foundations, private donors and the Framingham School Department.
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