Contemporary kids are digital natives. They are growing up in a time where mobile internet and technology, including social media and electronic communication are not only the norm, but are rapidly evolving. The Digital Learning Policy center has designated February 5th as Digital Learning Day. This day is about giving every child the opportunity to learn in a robust digital environment. Part of navigating that environment includes developing digital citizenship, so that children can explore, learn and express themselves with kindness, courtesy and trust. This month’s selection for younger readers is the Piano and Laylee series by Carmela Curatola Knowles, and illustrated by Emily Lewellen. The titles in this series introduce digital citizenship concepts for children ages 5–9; by following the adventures of two sweet puppies who learn how to be safe and responsible while using technology. The clever critters tackle such topics as going online, text messaging, cyber- bullying, plagiarism, passwords and even usage policies. While the series is a little cheesy it remains one of the best points of access to these relevant topics for young kids.
Ages 5-9, Grades k-3
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