Boston Jewish Film, Inc., home to the Boston Jewish Film Festival, the Boston Israeli Film Festival, and The School Initiative to Combat Antisemitism (SITCA), is excited to announce that it has moved to 333 Nahanton St., Newton, on the third floor of JCC of Greater Boston’s Leventhal-Sidman campus.

“The Boston Jewish Film team joins other organizations that work from the JCC and is excited to work in a diverse and welcoming environment with peers dedicated to serving the Jewish community and the community at large,” said Susan Adler, executive director of Boston Jewish Film. “This is the perfect place for the oldest and largest film festival in the area to be, and the time is right.”

This month, the Leventhal-Sidman JCC marked 40 years since opening its doors, celebrating four decades as a vibrant community center and hub for Jewish individuals, families, and local organizations to gather, connect, and engage in a wide spectrum of events, programs, and classes. Over the years, the JCC has welcomed local Jewish institutions, including Jewish Big Brothers Big Sisters, Gateways, and BaMidbar, to its campus, and undergone significant improvements to its fitness facilities, locker room, and family wing.

In December, the JCC will begin construction on a major renovation of its main entrance, front lobby, security desk, teen lounge, and back lobby to enhance the everyday experience of its members, staff, guests, and community partners. Construction of Opus, a new senior living center from 2Life Communities, is also currently underway on the JCC campus adjacent to the Leventhal-Sidman building.

“We are thrilled to welcome Boston Jewish Film to the building as a long-time program partner of the JCC, and a beloved institution within the Greater Boston Jewish community,” said Lily Rabinoff-Goldman, president and CEO of JCC Greater Boston. “The important work that Boston Jewish Film does in connecting people of all backgrounds, and sharing new and different perspectives to wide-ranging audiences, is well aligned with the JCC’s mission of supporting a vibrant and inclusive Greater Boston community, and we’re proud to support them as they continue to bring those stories to the forefront.”

BJF will continue to screen film programs at the JCC’s Riemer-Goldstein Theater, as well as at independent movie theaters throughout Greater Boston.

Boston Jewish Film is now selling tickets and All Access Passes for its 35th Annual Boston Jewish Film Festival, taking place Nov. 1-15, 2023. The festival includes two film screenings at the JCC’s Riemer-Goldstein Theater, “The Other Widow,” a dark, comedic drama about a modern single woman and her quest to define herself after loss, and “Queen of the Deuce,” which chronicles the story of Chelly Wilson, who built and ruled a pornography empire in New York’s Times Square from the late 1960s to the mid-1980s.

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