When Geriatric Care Manager Gail Leichtman first met Beth’s* parents, they were in two different hospitals. Beth lived in New Jersey while her parents, in their late 80s, lived near Boston. Her mother was suffering from chronic progressive lung disease, diabetes, and the long-term effects of alcoholism. Her dad’s digestive processes had essentially shut down and he was deaf in one ear. Their complex medical needs were beyond what the staff of their luxury retirement community could manage. Beth was terrified that they were going to die or, if they didn’t, that she had no way to care for them long distance.
Long distance care-giving for elderly parents is a growing issue for many of us. Sometimes, even with family close by, an elder’s medical needs can become too complex for family to manage. Your Elder Experts Geriatric Care Managers like Gail work with complicated cases and provide extensive ongoing care, whether family is near or far.
*Names and locations changed to protect privacy.
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