Posted by Peggy Kaufman
In June, I presented the development, evolution, and present structure of the Oliver, Ian, and Serenity Wolk Fragile Beginnings program to an international audience at the World Association of Infant Mental Health in Edinburgh, Scotland. I was well prepared thanks to Karin Lindfors and my colleagues in the Fragile Beginnings program, but I found myself quite nervous. The audience response to the presentation was met with overwhelming success. Participants from Greece, Poland, Australia, and Finland, among others, asked for presentation notes and our contact information in hopes of meeting some of the needs of parents of premature infants in their home countries. We know that there is no other program like JF&CS Fragile Beginnings in the United States. But after presenting about Fragile Beginnings in Scotland, we learned from this international audience that there is no other program in the world that provides the support and interventions Fragile Beginnings provides as a family transitions from the NICU to home and for the weeks and months that follow.
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