Registration for Taglit-Birthright Israel summer trips begins on February 14th for prior applicants and February 15th 2012 for the general population. If you’re currently a student, there are great opportunities to travel with others from your own schools:
Amherst College
Williams College
Live and experience Israel with Shorashim. Go to to register for your free trip. And don’t forget to like the Shorashim Facebook page.
Boston University
Go to Israel with Sachlav and have the most fun you even had. Register at and then connect with them on Facebook at the Sachlav page.
UMass Amherst
Students interested in the UMass Amherst Birthright Israel trip must register directly from Check out the Awesome Israel YouTube clip and join the Awesome Israel Facebook Page to stay updated about the trip.
If you’re not a student (but still within the ages of 22 – 26), check out CJP’s Birthright Trips for Young Adults.
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