with Diana O'Brien, JFS Director of Family Assistance
Ronna and Scott Cohen aren’t giving each other Chanukah presents this year. Continuing what has become their annual holiday tradition, the couple is forgoing nightly gifts for a generous donation to Jewish Family Service of Metrowest’s Lucy and Joe's Food Pantry. Their donation will buy food cards for hundreds of individuals and families haunted by hunger during this holiday season.
Ronna and Scott, shown here with Jewish Family Service of Metrowest’s Diana O’Brien, Director of Family Assistance, are thrilled to have helped 275 families (627 individuals) with food support last year, and encourage others to join them and brighten the 2014 holiday season for many Metrowest residents.
To learn how you can provide food support to families in need, please email dobrien@jfsmw.org or call 508-875-3100.
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