If you are a writer or an artist or a poet or a playwright or any other kind of culture worker who can probably work overseas, anywhere, India or Ireland, Japan or China, remotely, you may want to consider moving out of the United States and becoming an expat.
Remember the earlier waves of U.S. expats, including the famous Americans in Paris in the 1920s, who moved because they felt, for various reasons, that the U.S. was no longer their country and that they would be more free to live and work in a different culture. Today, from Paris (it’s still there!) to Prague, from Taipei to Tianjin, from Mumbai to Mont Saint Je Ne Sais Pas, American expats are finding work and love and meaning overseas. Sure, they still travel on a US passport, and sure, they still love America in their own way. But fed up with life in their mother country, they have ventured overseas to find adventure and meaning in other cultures.
As Paul Karl Lukacs, the Nomad Lawyer, says: The U.S. today may have reached that point for people who believe that they do not give up their rights when they choose to travel. The vast majority of Americans do not care, because they only fly once every 18 months, and, on those packed holiday weekends, the TSA suspends its more onerous procedures to avoid wide-spread rebellion.”
”When I travel around China, I am treated with more dignity and respect than when I travel around the USA — and China is a police state.”
To an American woman in her mid-40s, who was “raped” by a TSA attendant at an airport in 2011, he counselled: ”I’m sorry you had to go through that, and making the TSA clerks feel bad about staying in their obscene jobs is the right move, but you may want to consider moving.”
”Your blog about the TSA assault by a female TSA clerk would be just as interesting if you write it from a patio on Bali.”
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