Oh Jewish summer camp–so many allergies, so little time.
When I was in summer camp, the counselors would do skits for us in the mornings. One of our favorites involved two counselors pretending to be absurdly old and talking about the good old days when they were campers. “When I was a campah,” one would say, “we never complained about the food. We didn’t even have food! These kids are so lucky. We didn’t have food. We ate rocks.”
“Oh yeah?” The other ‘old’ counselor would counter. “When I was a campah, we didn’t even have rocks! They weren’t invented yet! When I was a campah, we ate dirt. And we liked it!”
When I was a camper, we didn’t actually eat dirt or rocks. We ate mac n cheese and PB &J, and we drank instant hot chocolate in the mornings. Everything tasted like too much sugar or else it tasted like cardboard, and nothing had any nutritional value whatsoever.
Apparently some things don’t change.
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