Yes, it can taste like cardboard,
But please try not to worry,
After all, it was invented
By people in a hurry.
The slaves ate fresh-baked matzah
While longing to be free,
Then they dashed from Pharaoh’s Egypt
And crossed the wide Red Sea.
So we eat matzah also,
To relive our people’s past.
So the story will endure,
The memories will last.
The Israelites made matzah;
Their departure was so hasty.
Today we can enjoy it
By spreading something tasty.
Some revel in the crunchiness;
It goes straight to their tummy.
But we can be creative
To make it somewhat yummy.
Try it with whipped cream cheese
Eat it with some jelly.
Matzah brei for breakfast
Will really fill your belly.
Have matzah with some margarine,
Slap on some mayonnaise,
Try honey, cheese or butter —
You’ll get through those eight days.
The Israelites had no cream cheese,
They really had no choice.
Our munching and our crunching
Gives our ancestors a voice.
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