JF&CS Parkinson's Community QuiltCreating art is a gift. Art is a process for thinking, observing the world around us, for getting in touch with our feelings, for self-expression of our moods and life’s experiences, and for constant learning. It is freeing and uplifting to make something that did not exist before. The time used to create is time well spent.
While creating, the artist is present in the moment, engaged and focused on the evolving project. As one creates, whether in sculpture, paint, fabric, or mixed media there is the thrill and excitement of spontaneity in the process of this meaningful activity. The artist’s inner ideas and feelings may burst forth into the artwork. The creation grows with the love that is transmitted through the artist’s hand. The piece begins to tell a visual story, with the power to emit mood and emotions through the thoughtful choice of colors; patterns; figures; shapes; textures; motion; lights and darks; composition; and structure of the piece.
The JF&CS Parkinson’s Family Support program is a multidimensional, enthusiastic community-based program for people with Parkinson’s disease (PD) and their families. In the wisdom of offering a visual arts aspect to their programming, this quilt project was initiated. A group of willing, curious and adventuresome participants signed on to the quilt project. The stimulating and novel activity was coordinated by the JF&CS Parkinson’s team of talented and compassionate staff and volunteers.

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