Sure, it’s still Passover, but that doesn’t mean you can’t look forward to chametz, or, more specifically, beer! On Friday, April 25, Havurah on the Hill will be welcoming Jeremy Goldberg of the Cape Ann Brewing Company, the makers of Fisherman’s Brew, Fisherman’s Ale and many other seasonal and limited-release beers. I asked Jeremy about his beers, his brewpub in Gloucester, and his go-to drink when he’s not drinking beer.
You got your start in brewing working on a documentary, “American Beer,” about craft brewing, back in 2002. How has the industry changed since then?
When I got into the industry there had just been a shakeout, leaving a stable industry in which established breweries were starting to make some real growth. Now the industry is experiencing some extremely rapid growth with new breweries opening up daily. When I started, the challenge was convincing the beer drinker to try craft beer; now it’s more of a situation where there’s the added challenge of convincing them to drink your brand, and hopefully building some loyalty as well.
You have your flagship beers—lager, German-style ale and IPA—but you also have a ton of specialty beers. Where do you get your inspiration for new recipes?
Brewing is just like cooking. When coming up with new recipes we’re looking at the flavors we’re trying to achieve and figuring out the best way to achieve that. We strive for balance, and to make sure the beers we’re making make sense.
In addition to brewing, you also run a brewpub. What advice do you have for pairing beer and food?
What people are only starting to realize is that beer pairs with food as well, if not in many cases better, than wine. Many of the same rules apply—pairing lighter beers, such as Kölsch or Pilsner, with seafood or salads, and pairing stronger-flavored beers, such as Doppelbock or Porter, with beef or other meat, and then there’s everything in between.
So beer is obviously not kosher for Passover. What’s your go-to drink when you aren’t drinking beer?
While I grew up drinking Manischewitz like every good Jew, nowadays on Passover I’ll reach for mead. Outside of Passover, I’m a fan of all distilled spirits, from scotch and bourbon to gin and tequila. And when I’m willing to slum it, I’ll go for a nice bottle of wine!
Four Questions is a weekly interview column featuring interesting people connected with the Greater Boston Jewish community. Find past columns here. Have an idea of someone we should interview? Email Molly!
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