Gd gives extra credit. I know this because I’m a teacher, and we discuss lesson plans together every Thursday afternoon at 4:00pm.

It’s that point during the semester now when everyone is concerned about grades, so I thought I’d share some of Gd’s extra credit opportunities just to make sure we’re all in good shape going into finals.

Gd gives extra credit for the following things (listed in no particular order):

  • Voting
  • Smiling indulgently while small children are throwing tantrums
  • Letting cars cut in front of you even when you’re late
  • Buying the expensive cage-free eggs
  • Doing the Talmud page a day thing
  • Doing other book clubs
  • Admitting you like unpopular music
  • Spoiling your nieces and nephews
  • Being the first person on the dance floor when it’s awkward
  • Not checking your phone during dinner
  • Working out even when you’re tired
  • Flossing
  • Dressing up in your school colors on spirit days
  • Giving friends and family rides to the airport at the crack of dawn
  • Cooking extra options for vegan/gluten free/allergic to everything people
  • Tipping well
  • Offering your seat to old people, pregnant people, and femmes (and/or drag queens) in high heels
  • Giving people second chances to impress you
  • Singing and dancing in your car during traffic when a good song comes on


 I know none of these are actually in the Torah–that’s why they’re extra credit. No one HAS to do any of these things… but I suspect we all worry about our grades sometimes.


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