I know, I know, there are almost two months ahead of us, but Purim is just around the corner! Believe me, it will be here before we know it. As we celebrated Tu Be’shvat this week, many of us already started thinking of Purim. Which costumes are we going to wear? Who are we sending mishloach manot to? How are we going to bake so many hamantaschen? Well, I don’t have the answers to all your questions, but I do know one thing: we make the best hamantaschen! They are filled with rich homemade jam and baked to order. According to the customers who ordered them, the pastries have never reached the dinner table as they were all consumed the moment they were delivered.
Quantities are very limited as we are a small family business, and Purim lasts only two days 🙂
Visit our website and order our delicious hamantaschen today!
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