Hava Nagila (The Movie), the closing night film of the 2012 Boston Jewish Film Festival, opens at the Coolidge Corner Theatre Friday, April 26 for a theatrical run.
“Hava Nagila” is to music what the bagel is to food – a Jewish staple that has transcended its origins and become a worldwide hit. Bob Dylan sang it. Elvis, too. And that’s only the beginning when it comes to the infectious party song. Director Roberta Grossman’s highly entertaining, surprising deep documentary follows the bouncy tune on its fascinating journey from the shtetels of Eastern Europe to the cul-de-sacs of America. Featuring interviews with Harry Belafonte, Connie Francis, Glen Campbell, Leonard Nimoy, Regina Spektor and more, Hava Nagila (The Movie) takes viewers from Ukraine and Israel to the Catskills, Greenwich Village, Hollywood, and even Bollywood, using the song as a springboard to explore Jewish history and identity and to spotlight the cross-cultural connections that can only be achieved through music.
For more information, visit the Coolidge Corner Theatre website at www.coolidge.org. Screening times will be posted the week of April 15. Tickets may be purchased online and at the Coolidge Corner Theatre box office.
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