On Thursday, June 13, Daniel Straus, CEO of HealthBridge Nursing & Rehabilitation Centers, hosted a special fundraiser at Boston’s Museum of Science to honor those affected by the Boston Marathon bombings. Over $200,000 in donations was raised, with the hope of reaching a goal of $250,000 as additional donations are tallied.

Boston Marathon Director Dave McGillivray, Boston Medical Director Dr. Aaron Baggish, and Dr. David King, a trauma and acute care surgeon at Massachusetts General Hospital, were among the special guests who spoke at the fundraiser. Dr. King received commendation for having finished the marathon and going straight to Massachusetts General Hospital to assist in treating victims of the attacks.


From L-to-R: HealthBridge VP of Sales and Marketing Patty Pruden,  HealthBridge CEO Daniel Straus, Daniel’s daughter Lizzy Straus, HealthBridge Vice President Operations Sharon Donaghue. (Photo Credit: Jamie Kelly)

Dr. David King, trauma and acute care surgeon at the Massachusetts General Hospital Trauma Center. (Photo Credit: Jamie Kelly) Boston Marathon Race Director Dave McGillivray. (Photo Credit: Jamie KellyMcGillivary (L.) shaking hands with Dr. King after his heartfelt speech. Dr King finished the marathon and then immediately headed straight to Massachusetts General Hospital to tend to those who were injured in the bombings.  (Photo Credit: Jamie Kelly) Gifts for the victims

 created at: 2013-06-19created at: 2013-06-19

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