What do you get when you take a pop tune, add a Torah story, toss in a midrash about getting along with family members, and shake well with a group of exuberant young singers and dancers? Click on these videos to find out!
The younger children in our Tikvah Learning program took the JLo dance hit “Get on the Floor” and re-tooled it as a Torah lesson geared for children with special needs (and great for everyone!). Our older children chose Miley Cyrus’ “The Climb.”
Our theme this past semester was Torah’s Greatest Hits, and our focus was on what the Torah teaches us about getting along in a family. We hope you enjoy these video teachings. We think they are AWESOME. Please share them with your family and friends on Facebook and beyond.
Rabbi Randy Kafka
Tikvah Learning at Temple Kol Tikvah – Not your grandfather’s Hebrew School!
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