We’ve certainly had some amazing weather recently. The kind of weather built for drives home with the windows open and music blaring, which is basically exactly what happened on Thursday night as I drove home from Prozdor graduation feeling pretty good about things and listening to a whole lot of very loud music as I dodged lane shifts on 128 North. Heard all of these in almost rapid succession— except for the last one.
One Dance
In most cases I am more than happy to share symbolic Jewish pride in the cultural accomplishments of fellow Jews and Israelis in all areas of life. At various times in my life this has led to undue attention and praised lavished on the likes of Gabe Kapler, Omri Casspi, Matisyahu, Kevin Youkilis, and flash-in-the-pan British singer Craig David, who the Israeli press swooned over back in 2001 because he had two Jewish grandparents. (Did you forget about Craig David? Here you go)
Enter Drake.
I’ve stayed away from Drake for most of his career despite his Jewish credentials, though, because I frankly haven’t been into his music. And I hated “Hotline Bling.” But with the arrival of “One Dance” it’s a whole different story. It’s a huge win and my early bet for summer anthem as it will certainly be both blasting all through Memorial Day and dominating the dial between now and the end of school at the very least. I liked this one as absolutely-ly and immediately as I glommed onto “I Took A Pill In Ibiza” and look how that turned out.
One Dance is supremely catchy and has a distinctly international vibe, and I’ll be damned if that little sample (not this one….the other one that I assume Wizkid has something to do with) isn’t a little Klezmer-y and the mostly unintelligible man’s voice could responsibly be construed as someone praying. And at 2:53 it was built for radio.
Work From Home
Fifth Harmony sinks to a new low with this one. I’ve written before about their evolution/de-evolution from X Factor darlings to trashy-tuned provocateurs, but “Work From Home” is a carbon copy of “Worth It” with the same mindless loop and lyric. Not only that, but the video is garbage (but if you like stupidly-ripped “construction workers” who show off their assets maybe you’ll like it) and the whole premise of “we can work from home” is kind of silly (pssssst… It’s not really “work”… that’s a metaphor). The only I’ll say is that the last few measures actually are the best part of the song. Listen to this song as a last resort only, watch the video once and then never again.
I have yet to meet a kid who doesn’t like this song, and I’m talking about kids from age 3 to 13 at least who uniformly pledge allegiance to being “untouchable” and to Nantucket-bred feminism. Not gonna lie, either, I listen to it and I generally like it, and I’m sure at least a few of your friends who have kids have posted Car Karaoke versions of their kids shouting along with the song playing on the radio. Best part was when my son was pitching on Sunday and I was singing “untouchable, untouchable.” #culturalcrossover
But I could do without the video. Even though I get it.
Cheap Thrills
Again, a little late to this party, but as my good friend Rachel has told me before, using a chorus of kids voices can do a lot for a song- see “Aeroplane” or “Good Time” for a reminder of that tried-and-true technique. Sia’s weird, the song is weird, and the video is weird, but the shouting kids are kind of cute and I’ve been listening.
Blast From The Past: Fall 2000 Edition
“My Love” by Westlife
If for no other reason than when this came on the other day on “Shuffle All” I absolutely jumped for joy.
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