Recently many caring and wonderful people have asked me, “how can I help with the wedding?”
My new sister-in-law has mentioned the very reasonable concern, “I’m not quite sure how to do the bachelorette thing with two brides…”
And my sister has asked “oh my Gd, what should I wear?” a billion times.
My advice for my little sister(s) on how to be Queer Jewish Wedding Royalty:
1. Wear a ridiculous hat.
2. Pretend you’re not trying to steal the show, but still steal the show anyway by wearing an awesome dress.
3. Pretend you have no idea what spanx are.
4. No, that dress is not too short for you.
5. Sequins might be too gaudy for other people, but not for us!
6. Be nice to the adorable flower girl.
7. But give her sugary candy when her parents aren’t looking.
8. If you’re ever bored, have another glass of champagne.
9. If the champagne is too far away, hit up a groomsman for a sip from his flask.
10. Keep in mind: diets are boring and cupcakes are delicious.
11. Take too many photos, and delete the ugly ones later.
12. Remember: We’re still your sisters, and we’ll always love you.
A wedding’s a wedding’s a wedding. This one just might happen to be a little bit more fun than most!
Lag B Blog, day 12.
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