Looking for a great way to make a tax-free gift to Jewish Family & Children’s Service? Consider an IRA charitable rollover.
Although the new tax reform act may limit the benefit of income tax charitable deductions for some people, donors can still make gifts to JF&CS and receive tax benefits using the IRA charitable rollover.
If you are 70.5 or older, you can tell your IRA administrator to transfer your gift directly from your IRA account to JF&CS. You can make a gift of up to $100,000 to satisfy the required minimum distribution from your IRA.
You don’t get an income tax charitable deduction for the gift, but you don’t pay taxes on your IRA withdrawal, and the gift is not taxed as income.
If you are interested in making such a gift or would like more information, please call our Office of Gift Planning at 781-693-5059 or email Liz Cahn, senior philanthropic advisor, at ecahn@jfcsboston.org.
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