There’s a reason Jews everywhere are all about FriYAY: Shabbat is the most special time of the week. On Fridays around the world, people are elevating their experience—the day is separated as special and holy, so we have a weekly excuse to get on a higher level. There are many mitzvot—commandments—for doing Shabbat right, and to no one’s surprise, one of those commandments is to eat, eat, eat! A day like Shabbat deserves an equally special meal, and with a few simple changes you can make your Friday night stand out from the rest of your week.

Sit pretty

Adding touches like a swanky tablecloth, a bouquet of fresh flowers or colorful paper goods can transform your space. Use something different from your daily tableware to really spruce up the place—and the good vibes!

Get into a theme

On Shabbat, we party, so make your meal festive! Potlucks are fun and often the easiest way to coordinate food for a crowd. Help your guests out and take it to the next level by adding a theme. Suggest some recipes (hello, schnitzel-inspired Shabbat), or let them come up with their own within the theme. Some favorites at Moishe House Cambridge include Mexican, Israeli and Indian! Prefer the traditional route? Chicken noodle soup and kugel never hurt anyone!

Chill out

Take the whole night to eat and lounge with your squad—enjoy yourself! Invite your guests to stay after dinner to play your favorite board game, or simply let the conversation carry on. Put out some yummy desserts and another bottle of wine, and take advantage of unhurried, relaxing time with your friends.

Are you planning to host a Shabbat meal sometime soon? Tell us how you’ll make your dinner extra special in the comments below. And if you want to learn from some seasoned hosts and get more tips, join us at Moishe House Cambridge for any of our upcoming Shabbat events!

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