Do you and your spouse/partner come from different religious backgrounds?

Do either you or your spouse/partner have a Jewish background?

Do you live in Boston, the Boston suburbs or inside of I-495?

Do you have no children or children under age 8?

Are you and your spouse/partner under age 45?

If you said “Yes” to these questions, we want to talk to you! The Cohen Center for Modern Jewish Studies (CMJS) at Brandeis University is conducting interviews and focus groups with interfaith couples to better understand their needs, preferences and experiences with Jewish organizations. This information will be used by Combined Jewish Philanthropies and local organizations to develop programs and opportunities that are attractive to interfaith couples. You do not have to be married and you do not have to be involved in Jewish organizations.

Interviews will take about one hour and will be conducted by phone or in person at a time and place that works best for you. We also have spots for two couples at a focus group on Wednesday, Dec. 5, in Harvard Square from 6:30-8 p.m. (light meal provided).

To thank you for your time, you will receive a $40 gift card to Amazon if you both participate, or $25 if one of you does. For more information, contact or 781-736-3855.

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