Looking for a great way to teach kids the Hebrew colors of the Israeli flag in honor of Yom Ha’atzmaut (Israeli Independence Day) on April 19? Here’s a musical game kids will enjoy.
Kachol Lavan Musical Squares
- Have an assortment of laminated construction paper rectangles, some blue, some white and some blue-and-white. (I pasted an Israeli flag on the rectangles for blue-and-white.)
- Randomly put them on the floor, making sure to scatter the colors.
- Have the children walk or march around to spirited Israeli music.
- Stop the music and yell out a color, such as “lavan” (white).
- The children then have to find a white square and stand on it.
- Repeat with “kachol” (blue) for the blue rectangles, and “kachol v’lavan” (blue-and-white) when you want them to find the blue-and-white rectangles.
- If you want to make it more difficult, specify that the boys (yeladeem) have to find one color and the girls (yeladote) find another color.
Ellen Forman is the Judaic coordinator at the Temple Israel of Boston Frances Jacobson Early Childhood Center.
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