Ivrit la-Kol: Hebrew for All 5777
Fall Session starts the week of October 30, 2016 Winter Session starts the week of January 11, 2017 Spring Session starts the week of March 13, 2017
Ivrit la-Kol: Hebrew for All, an adult Hebrew literacy collaborative, will begin its 20th year of providing and supporting Hebrew literacy in the community. The mission of Ivrit la-Kol is to enable all individuals, regardless of skill level, to acquire, improve or enhance their knowledge and comfort with Hebrew in a supportive and motivating learning environment.
Collaborative members include Temple Emunah and Temple Isaiah. The affiliating synagogues are Beth El Temple Center in Belmont, Temple Beth Israel of Waltham, and Temple Shir Tikvah of Winchester. Ivrit la-Kol offers courses starting with Learning to Read Hebrew, Intermediate Hebrew, and progressing up to Biblical Hebrew for Scholars.
Learning to Read Hebrew
With Caroline Nudelman
Mondays 7:30-9:00 at Temple Isaiah Fee: $360members/$385 non-members
For those who are tired of reading Hebrew in transliteration and regret never having learned the Hebrew alphabet and vowels, this class is appropriate for absolute beginners who want to learn the alef bet.
This is a ten-week class. Texts will be available for purchase at the first class.
Reading our Prayers
With Ilene Weiner
Sundays 9:00 to 10:30 am at Temple Isaiah Fee: $250 members/$275 non-members
Let your Hebrew understanding blossom so you can unlock the meaning of our prayers! This class is designed for those who already have basic reading skills but seek understanding and greater fluency in prayerbook and Biblical Hebrew. The textbook will be Alef Isn’t Enough: Hebrew for Adults by Linda Motzkin (URJ Press, 2001). Two semesters of this class are recommended.
Intermediate Hebrew
With Sigalit Davis
Mondays 7:30 to 9:00pm at Temple Isaiah Fee: $250 members/$275 non-members
This class will continue the study of the past and future tenses, increase vocabulary and emphasize speaking skills. Students will have the opportunity to practice their writing skills using Hebrew script. Texts will be available for purchase at the first class.
Introduction to Biblical Hebrew
With Michael Singer
Thursdays 7:30 to 9:00pm
at Temple Isaiah
Fee: $250 members/$275 non-members
The art of translation is an ongoing theme for this course as students are empowered to understand and translate the text of the Tanakh and the Siddur. Each class features a quick review of newly introduced vocabulary and grammatical concepts. The ability to read Hebrew is a prerequisite for this class. The textbook will be Bet is for B’reshit: Hebrew for Adults, Book 3 by Linda Motzkin.
This class will meet for a minimum of two semesters.
Hebrew for Travelers to Israel
With Sigalit Davis
Thursdays 8 to 9:30pm at Temple Emunah January 11, 18, 25 2017
Mini-class Fee: $100
If you are preparing for a visit with your Israeli grandchildren, a course of study at the Hartmann Institute or your first or tenth visit to Israel wouldn’t you like to know some basic conversational Hebrew terms? This three week mini-course is designed to give non-speakers a chance to learn key words and phrases to help a visitor to Israel navigate basic social situations. There are no pre-requisites. This will be a good introduction to the colorful and delightful modern spoken Hebrew language.
Biblical Hebrew for Scholars
With Michael Singer
Sundays 8:00 – 9:30 p.m. at Temple Emunah
Fee: $400 members/$425 non-members
This class is for students with an advanced understanding of Biblical Hebrew. We will employ various lexica and grammars as well as advanced commentaries to aid in understanding the Hebrew text. This year we will begin by reading and discussing the “Festival Legislation” found in Exodus, Leviticus, and Deuteronomy, and compare and contrast each version of the laws. Important grammatical, literary, and historical-critical points will also be included. We may then turn to reading and discussing a group of Psalms, or compare and contrast similar texts in the Books of Samuel/Kings and Chronicles. Students may also be given the option to explore texts of their choice. This 11 session course meets every other Sunday evening. Dates will be set at the first meeting.
Mini-classes are three sessions, Learning to Read Hebrew is ten sessions and Biblical Hebrew for Scholars is eleven sessions. All other classes are seven sessions. For more information call 781-861-0300 or email IvritlaKolHebrew@gmail.com. Registration deadline for fall classes is October 15, 2016. Financial aid is available. Please mail your check payable to Temple Emunah to: Temple Emunah, 9 Piper Road, Lexington, MA 02421 Attn: Nancy Lefkowitz, Ivrit la-Kol.
Registration Form for Ivrit la-Kol 2016-2017
Name (s)_________________________________________________________ Address:___________________________________________________________
Home Phone:_____________________________Cell:_____________________ Email:_____________________________________________________________ Synagogue Affiliation (if any):_______________________________________
7 Session courses: Fee: $250 members/$275 non-members
#_____Reading Our Prayers with Ilene Weiner (Sundays 9:00-10:30 am) at Temple Isaiah
#_____ Intermediate Hebrew with Sigalit Davis (Mondays 7:30 to 9:00pm) at Temple Isaiah. #_____ Introduction to Biblical Hebrew with Michael Singer (Thursdays 7:30 to 9:00pm) at Temple Isaiah
3 Session Mini-Classes: Fee: $100
#____ Hebrew for Travelers to Israel with Sigalit Davis (Thursdays 8 to 9:30pm) at Temple Emunah
10 Session class Fee: $360 members/ $385 non-members
#_____ Learning to Read Hebrew with Caroline Nudelman (Mondays 7:30-9:00 pm) at Temple Isaiah
11-Session class: Fee: $400 members/$425 non-members
#____ Biblical Hebrew for Scholars with Michael Singer (Sundays 8:00 to 9:30pm) at Temple Emunah
All classes start the week of October 30, 2016 unless otherwise notified. Mail your check payable to Temple Emunah to:
Temple Emunah,
9 Piper Road, Lexington, MA 02421
Attn: Nancy Lefkowitz, Ivrit la-Kol
For more information call 781-861-0300 or email IvritlaKolHebrew@gmail.com. Registration deadline for fall classes is October 15, 2016. Financial aid is available.
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