For eight years, the JCCNS International Jewish Film Festival has successfully brought the community together by presenting outstanding films inspired by Jewish history, culture and values. This year we are excited to continue this tradition with another series of fabulous films!

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to challenge us to create new ways for us to gather as a community, we are delighted to present our second virtual film festival. Last year was so successful; we reached a record number of viewers and we’re ready to do it again! Although we will be watching films separately, we will then join together for live Zooms with filmmakers, actors and directors.

We are also excited to announce that this year we are widening our audience to include our friends in the Worcester area by partnering with the Central Mass International Jewish Film Festival.

On our site, you will be able to buy your tickets, watch the featured films and tune in for intriguing discussions as we further explore the film topics together. Instructions are available for all methods of viewing, including watching on your smart TV or through a streaming device. View all film descriptions and trailers here.


Please note: You may purchase your ticket ahead of time, or when you are ready to watch. Once you start watching, you will have 48 hours to complete your viewing. Each film will have a 72-hour window. Due to our arrangements with the film distributors, films may only be viewed in Massachusetts.

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