Jewish climate activist with Hebrew pen name of EMMET MATRIDAH
envisions end of Israel, America, Europe by 2500 C.E.
A Jewish climate activist, who has been deeply involved in climate
change and global warming issues (and protests) since 2006
writes under the pen name of “Emmet Matridah” (Hebrew for “The Truth
That Terrifies”) and is now warning Israelis and the rest
of the world that by 2500 C.E., if not sooner, Israel and all other
nations below the Arctic Circle will cease to exist
“due to climate chaos impact events beyond human control by then.”
Matridah, who grew up in Boston and graduated from Tufts College, is
now in his 60s and is devoting the rest of his life
to issuing a wake up call about climate and global warming. “This is
my life’s work now, 24/7/365,” he says. “Most people
don’t take me seriously, and the mainstream media in particular won’t
go near my ideas, but I am determined to say my
peace before my time here is up. I am not doing this for fame or money
or career boosts, I have never wanted those things.
I live an independent life based on my own ideas and savings, and
nothing now can stop me from issuing my Jeremiah-like
prophecies about global warming. I cannot see the future, and I am not
a prophet. But we are in big trouble, and if we do not
take strong measures soon, very soon, to tighten the noose around coal
and oil and stop c02 emissions before they spin
out of control, then it might be curtains for Israel as a nation
within the next 500 years and perhaps as early as 21oo. America
and Europe too will cease exist as well. Billions will die. Millions
will trek north to survive in polar cities in Alaska, Canada and
Matridah calls himself “James Lovelock’s Accidental Student” and says
Dr Lovelock of Cornwall, UK, is his teacher and knows about’his work
with polar cities ideas and has seen his website’s images and
illustrations and even wrote back to him saying “Dear Mr Matridah, I
seen your images of polar cities. It may very well happen and soon!”
Matridah is the producer of a new cli fi novel titled POLAR CITY RED,
which was commissioned by Matridah for Jim Laughter in
Oklahoma to write. The novel, pure fiction, focuses on life in a
polar city in Alaska in the year 2075. Cli fi stands for climate
fiction, Matridah says,
who also says he is “dead serious'” with his public predictions, his
websiite since 2006 and his newly produced fiction novel by Mr
An oped essay on his blog, penned by Emmet Matridah, says Israel will
cease to exist by 2500 if not sooner, due to climate chaos in nations
below the Arctic Circle.
“Am I a modern day Jeremiah?” he asks. “No, I am not a prophet and I
cannot see the future. But I feel deeply that these things must
be said in public, and I am willing, and committed, to speaking out.
My PoLar Cities work is a cri de coeur, and comes from deep within
my Jewish soul. I was raised to take life very seriously and i still
do. I am doing this work now for the future of the human race, not for
i want no money or fame from this work. This is for us, the human race.”
In a recent oped on his climate blog, Matridah wrote in a oped titled
”By the Year 2500 C.E., Israel will be under water and cease to exist
as a Jewish state” :
”Climate change is indeed an issue that is on everyone’s mind, and
while Israel seems to be far removed from the experts who recently
made their way to Copenhagen to try to hammer out blueprints to
prevent global warming from having a Doomsday impact on humankind,
Israel will also be on the front lines of these issues. Why? Because
Israel will not exist as a country by the year 2500. Everyone there
will have migrated north to Russia and Alaska.
”By the year 2500, Israel will be largely uninhabited, except for a
few stragglers eking out a subsistence life in the Golan Heights. The
rest of the population will have migrated north to Russia’s northern
coast or northern parts of Alaska and Canada to find safe harbor from
the devastating impact of global warming.
By the year 2500, most likely, Israelis en masse will have left the
country for faraway northern regions to find shelter in UN-funded
climate refuges in places such as Russia, Canada and Alaska. Israeli
climate refugees will join millions of others from India,
Vietnam,Thailand, Japan and the Philippines. It won’t be a pretty
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