Pictured: (L-R) Sharon Cohen, Major General Dayan, Anne Sternlicht (Sapphire Society), Michael Blank
Major General (Res.) Uzi Dayan, Chairman of Green Horizons visited Boston where he spoke at a Jewish National Fund (JNF) breakfast hosted by Frank Segall, Burns & Levinson LLP and Ronald Lubin, National Chair of Green Horizons, at Burns & Levinson’s office. He was also hosted by JNF Sapphire Society Member Anne Sternlicht and Sharon Cohen of The Northern Trust Company for a JNF luncheon at their Boston office, and a dessert reception at the home of Philip and Judy Rosenfield. Major General Dayan spoke about the Green Horizons movement, which focuses on helping Israeli youth acquire self-confidence, independence, curiosity and a better understanding of their surroundings. The JNF funded program takes participants on trips around Israel with the goal of fostering interpersonal relationships, leadership skills and a strong connection to the land of Israel. Over the past 37 years, Green Horizons has educated more than 20,000 young Israelis. Alumni include top-ranking Israel Defense Force officials, political figures, and some of the country’s most successful executives and professionals.
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