Become a member of Repair the World’s service corps and join a national Jewish service movement dedicated to meeting pressing local needs while making a meaningful impact. Corps members between the ages of 18-35 will serve alongside their communities for 5-10 hours a week during a 10-12 week program. You can apply here!

Corps members engage in service with trusted service partners while engaging in learning and reflection with peers. Our service partners cover a wide array of areas, and focus on issues from carceral justice to food equity to housing and health care justice, among many others.

Our Jewish learning program in Boston takes a historical approach to learning, covering global Jewish history primarily from the destruction of the Second Temple to present day. Each week, we learn about one of the following topics through a Jewish lens: racial justice, gender justice, disability justice, housing justice, food justice, environmental justice, health justice, education justice, incarceration justice, immigration justice and antiziganism.

Applications close on Jan. 22, 2024. Apply today!

For questions, please contact city director AvirLev Waxman at

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