I know, I know… “Jews and Sports” sounds like the beginning of a joke; at least it used to be for people of a Certain Age. But it’s not anymore. I’ve learned this from the children in our temple, many of whom are serious athletes. Serious.
So we studied Jews and Sports in our Tikvah Learning program this semester. And we did it through asking the Big Question: What is a mensch, and how can I be one? We explored “mensch values” – many taken from Pirkei Avot – and the children (grades 3-7) created sports stories illustrating these values in action.
And then we published a book.
Because it turns out, as best we could tell, no such book exists for children – and our Tikvah Learning program is based on the idea that students should work on projects that will be of some use to someone else.
How to be a mensch, on the field and off: Sports stories for children, by children.
Available for purchase via credit card (only $6 plus shipping), on our website: koltikvahsharon.org
Check it out, and share it with a kid in your life.
We gratefully acknowledge the support of Combined Jewish Philanthropies’ Commission on Jewish Life & Learning, for helping to bring our dreams to life.
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