As part of our ongoing 150th anniversary celebration, we hosted a week of group volunteer events. The week was a big success, with more than 200 volunteers taking part. A massive thank you to all who participated! Interested in getting involved? Learn more about volunteer opportunities at JF&CS.
Sunday, September 7
Family Table High Holiday Distribution
Volunteers packed food and holiday specific items and delivered the groceries to local families who might otherwise go hungry.
Monday, September 8
Parkinson's Family Support Banner Painting
Volunteers painted a banner for Parkinson's Family Support to use at a Walk for Parkinson's being held in Boston this fall.
Tuesday, September 9
Welcome Baby! 'Kit' Assembly
Supplies and resources for Welcome Baby! kits were collected at JF&CS Headquarters. In the upcoming weeks, volunteers will assemble these items into Welcome Baby! kits, which are delivered throughout the year to new parents, welcoming them to the Jewish community.
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