JNF’s Sapphire Society held a luncheon hosted by seasoned financial advisor Richard Noone, Senior Vice President at BNY Wealth Management and JNF New England Board member. Joining Noone as featured speaker was Aviva Sapers, CEO of Sapers & Wallack; they shared ideas for savvy investments and charitable giving.

JNF Sapphire Society’s major women donors share a special bond through their commitment to Zionism as leaders helping to strengthen Israel and enrich the quality of life for Israeli families. Sapphire Society members are included in high-level briefings with Israeli dignitaries; receive VIP status in Israel, and permanent recognition at the American Independence Park in Israel. To learn more about the Sapphire Society visit www.jnf.org/sapphire.

created at: 2013-05-30











(L-R) Sapers, Noone, JNF New England Executive Board member and Sapphire Society President Emeritus Karen Ferber, Janet Baum, Sapphire Society members Joyce Guior Wolf and Bunny Aronson.

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