An uptick in the number of young Bostonian Jewish professionals attending JNFuture events has led Jewish National Fund-USA (JNF-USA) to create a dedicated JNFuture professional role in its New England office.
“We have been positively overwhelmed by the number of young Jewish professionals attending our JNFuture events,” said JNF-USA executive director of New England Sara Hefez. “Having a professional team member whose sole job will be to focus on JNFuture initiatives means we will be able to better engage with our local community.”
Since its founding in 2007, JNFuture has grown exponentially from one city to more than 20 across the U.S. JNFuture members gain access to a vast network of like-minded peers and a variety of events from movie screenings and happy hours, exclusive speakers’ series, VIP receptions with senior Israeli officials and specialized trips to Israel. They can also take on leadership roles including joining local JNFuture boards, sitting on JNF-USA task forces and chairing events.
“The young Jewish professional scene in Boston continues to grow, and it’s important that we invest our time and resources in supporting our community’s next generation of leaders, change-makers and philanthropists,” said JNFuture Boston chair-elect Oz Zarrin. “I originally joined JNFuture because it allowed me to connect with young Jewish professionals who shared my passion for Israel. However, this incredible organization has now provided me with a leadership opportunity to help our Israeli brethren develop our homeland in such a meaningful and impactful way.”
JNF-USA is the leading philanthropic organization for Israel that supports critical environmental and nation-building activities in Israel’s north and south through its Billion Dollar Roadmap initiative, which channels JNF-USA’s values for groundbreaking new ventures and focuses on connecting the next generation to Israel, building communities in Israel’s peripheral regions of the Negev and Galilee and creating infrastructure for ecology, special needs and heritage preservation.
Interested parties are encouraged to review the position description located at
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