JNF Named A Top Organization by Consumer’s Digest
December 6, 2012 – Boston, MA – Jewish National Fund (JNF) had its most successful campaign in its history, bringing in $73 million in 2012. This has been a remarkable year for JNF, which was also named by Consumer’s Digest as a top organization in its ranking of America’s top charities.
“Fifteen years ago, JNF had a $15 million campaign with less than 100,000 donors,” said JNF CEO Russell F. Robinson. “Today, we have almost 600,000 active donors and raised $73 million.”
“Watching the incredible growth of JNF over the years is truly inspiring” said Jeffrey Davis, New England Chairman of the Board. “Our local Board is now comprised of over 50 lay leaders. Each of them is sincerely committed to JNF’s mission of building a prosperous future for the land of Israel and its people.”
JNF has grown from a grassroots foundation, best known for raising funds for planting trees through children and adults putting coins in “Blue Boxes” (charity boxes), to an annual campaign organization that engages donors at all giving levels. This year, JNF saw $5 million in tree sales, which translates to purchases by 300,000 people, and also engaged thousands of major donors to assist in the development of JNF’s visionary work in Israel.
JNF’s philosophy is to recognize donors of all giving levels. Over the past couple of years, JNF has ramped up our approach to contributors of $5,000 or more. This includes an annual President’s Society mission for $10,000 and over donors, which just concluded raising $3 million, and a new Negev Society level for annual contributors of $25,000 or more. In addition, respect and recognition is being given to donors who’ve donated $100,000 over a lifetime, making them part of Century Council, and donors who’ve given over $1 million, making them members of JNF’s World Chairman Council.
Professionals and lay leaders have worked tirelessly over the past campaign year to organize parlor meetings, breakfasts, gala dinners, and missions to Israel to communicate JNF’s mission of working for the development of the land of Israel and improving the quality of life for all Israelis.
Major milestones are being achieved in JNF’s projects. This past year, JNF saw much progress in its Blueprint Negev campaign to develop the Negev Desert, particularly in its efforts to create a 1,300 acre metropolitan park in Be’er Sheva. Construction is underway on some of the park’s main attractions, including a 23-acre man-made lake, a 12,000-seat amphitheater, and the Abraham’s Well visitor center. Ground was broken on the Central Arava Medical Center, a state-of-the-art, 24-hour medical center that will bring quality medical care to the remote Central Arava region of Israel. The JNF Parsons Water Fund, a $100 million campaign to address Israel’s water shortage, continues to increase Israel’s water supply through innovative water initiatives.
With its record-setting 2012 campaign total, JNF is on course to reach an annual campaign of $100 million.
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