How do busy moms make time for their spouses and keep their romances going strong? We polled a few wives to find out.
“Dates at least once a month, giving each other time off and acknowledging the little things we try to do for each other.”
—Eve (mother of Zev, 4, and Jesse, 3)
“We tell our kids the romantic (and very silly) story of how we met, what it felt like to be in love and the even more romantic story of how we got engaged. After 20 years together, it’s nice to remember how exciting it all was in the beginning. We also hold hands. Whether we’re walking through Wal-Mart or watching ‘Shrek’ for the 18th time, it helps me remember that he’s still my boyfriend, even though he’s my husband and the father of our two girls.”
—Joan (mother of Lea, 10, and Erin, 6)
“We take a day off from work together every quarter while the kids are in school to go to a museum or movie and lunch. We have date night at least once a month. And we send each other emails or texts during busy times to let each other know how much we love and appreciate the other person.”
—Deanne (mother of Loren, 12, and Audrey, 6)
“At this point I can’t say romance is number one in our minds. A full night’s sleep might just be our greatest desire! But keeping things in perspective and maintaining a sense of humor has been critical in maintaining our connection to each other. We realize this time in life is quite short and the day will come when we’ll be able to invest more in our relationship with trips, date nights and conversation not related to toilet training, sleep training or preschool options.”
—Laura (mother of Noa, 2, and Eitan, 10 months)