The freeze is on.
Members of the Board of Trustees of the Kehillah Schechter Academy (KSA), a Jewish day school in Norwood (MA), are not talking about the weather.
In a dramatic move designed to make Jewish day school education more affordable to young families, KSA President Dr. Michael Agus announced this week that tuition for the 2013-14 academic year will be frozen at current levels.
KSA draws some 168 boys and girls from 30 communities in Massachusetts and Rhode Island, with families traveling from as far south as Cranston, RI, and New Bedford, MA, as far north as Lexington, and as far west as Wellesley. A focus on three Guiding Principles helps to set the school apart: personalized learning, collaborative partnerships, and Jewish identity and heritage.
KSA is now led by Co-Heads: Rabbi David Paskin, Spiritual Leader of Temple Beth Abraham in Canton; and scientist Dr. Nitzan Resnick, a former faculty member at the Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, and visiting Professor at Harvard Medical School, who helped develop and now directs a new initiative in STEM education. Several years ago she established KSA’s pioneering New Science and Math Initiative (NSMI).
Additional tuition aid may be available to young families through CJP’s “Discover Day School” initiative. Applications must be received by CJP by March 8. (For details:
For enrollment information, contact Sandi Morgan Dunn: 781-769-5555, or email Website:
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